Third Party Access Permissions for Students

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Overview of Process

Third Party Access is an option that allows students to grant third party permissions to parents, friends or family members to view student account activity, make payments, view registered courses, and view grades in Workday.  

Adding a Friends and Family Contact and Granting Third Party Access

  1. Click the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen.

Image of the Bowdoin logo in a Workday screen

  1. Click the View Profile button.

Image of the View Profile button outlined in black.

  1. Once your student profile opens. Click the Personal tab.

Image if the profile page with the Personal section outlined in black.

  1. Select the Friends and Family sub-tab.

Image of a list of tabs and the Friends and Family tab is outlined in black.

  1. Click Add.

Image of the Friends and Family page with the Add button outlined in Black

  1. Select one or more Relationship Types for the new friends and family contact.
  2. Select a Relationship for the new friends and family contact (if applicable).
  3. Check the Is Third Party User box.

Image if the Add Friends and Family pane

  1. When you check this box, an alert will appear informing that you must grant permissions to this third-party user via the Manage Permissions for My Third Party task.
  2. If applicable, select any Preferred Languages for the new friends and family contact.
  3. Skip the Comments field.

Image of the pane granting permission to a third party user.

  1. Scroll down to the Name tab and enter the First Name and Last Name of the new contact.

Image of the name tab with First Name and Last Name fields outlined in black.

  1. Click the Contact Information tab.
  2. Third Party User Friends and Family contacts are required to have their phone number, address, and email address on file.
  3. Click Add in the Phone section.

An image of the Contact Information Tab with the Add button outlined in black

  1. Enter the contact’s phone information, including their Country Phone Code, Phone Number, Phone Device, and Type.
  2. If applicable, fill in the Use For field.
  3. Skip the Visibility field.
  4. Skip the Comments field.

Note: To add an additional phone number for the contact, click Add and repeat the process. To remove a phone number from a contact, click Remove.

Image of the Phone pane with various fields outlined in black.

  1. Click Add in the Address section.

An image of the Add button in the Address section.

  1. Enter the contact’s address, including the Effective Date, Country, Address Line(s), City, State, Postal Code, and County.

Image of the Address pane with various fields outlined in black.

  1. Enter the Type for the address.
  2. The Use For field will auto-fill. Make any needed updates.
  3. Skip the Visibility field.
  4. Skip the Comments field.

Note: To add an additional address for the contact, click Add and repeat the process. To remove an address from a contact, click Remove.

Image of the Usage pane with Type and Use For fields outlined in black.

  1. Enter an Email Address.

Note: If the third-party is an employee of Bowdoin or has a email address, a different email address must be used. When a student lists a Friends and Family contact's employer email, Workday messages may be blocked due to security restrictions. It is recommended to use a personal email address for all Friends and Family.

  1. Select one or more applicable Type.
  2. If applicable, fill in the Use For field.
  3. Skip the Visibility field.
  4. Skip the Comments field.

Note: To add an additional email for the contact, click Add and repeat the process. To remove an email from a contact, click Remove.

Image of the Email pane with the Email Address and Type outlined in black.

  1. Click OK.

Note: Proceed to the Manage Third Party Access section of this job aid to manage third party access for this new friends and family contact.


Manage Permissions for My Third Party

  1. Click the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen.

Image of the Workday app with the Profile icon outlined in black.

  1. Click the View Profile button.

Image of the Profile logo with the View Profile

  1. Once your student profile opens, click the Personal tab.

Image if the profile page with the Personal section outlined in black.

  1. Select the Friends and Family sub-tab.

Image of a list of tabs and the Friends and Family tab is outlined in black.

  1. Click the Actions button on the right-side of the table next to the Friends and Family contact you would like to manage third party permissions for.
  2. Click Manage Permissions for My Third Party.

Image of the Friends and Family tab with the Actions button outlined in black.

  1. Click Ok.

Image of the Manage Permissions for My Third Party pane with the Ok button oultined in black.

  1. Review Tasks Available for Third Party User, select and/or deselect any task you wish to grant third party access to, and click OK.

Note: If you select the Make a Payment task, you will have the option to allow the third party to receive proactive past due balance notifications.

Image of the Tasks Available for Third Party User pane with various permissions outlined in black.

  1. Read the Privacy Release Authorization Wavier, reviewing the tasks you have given the Third Party User Access to.
  2. In the Purpose of Waiver field, enter “To grant third party access to requested information.” 

Image of the Privacy Release Authoriztion Waiver

  1. Check the Confirm box.
  2. Click Submit.


What Happens Next?

  1. Upon submitting the task, your friend or family member who you have granted third party access permissions will receive two emails from Workday. One with a username, and a second with a temporary password. Both emails will provide a link that the Third Party user can use to log into Workday, and bookmark for future access.

Image of the email sent to a third party regarding their temporary pasword.

Image of emai sent to a third party regarding access to Workday.


Editing a Friends and Family Contact to Grant Third Party Access

  1. Click the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen.

Image of the Workday app with the Profile icon outlined in black.

  1. Click the View Profile button.

Image of the Profile logo with the View Profile

  1. Once your student profile opens, click the Personal tab.

Image if the profile page with the Personal section outlined in black.

  1. Select the Friends and Family sub-tab.

Image of a list of tabs and the Friends and Family tab is outlined in black.

  1. Click the Actions button on the right-side of the table next to the Friends and Family contact you would like to grant third party access permissions to.
  2. Click Edit Friends and Family.

Note: If the person you would like to give third party access permissions is not listed, click the Add button to add them as a Friends and Family contact.

Image of the Friends and Family pane with the Actions button outlined in black and the Edit Friends and Family option selected.

  1. Once the Edit Friends and Family task opens. Check the Is Third Party User box.

Image if the Edit Friends and Family pane with the Is Third Party User box outlined in black.

  1. When you check this box, an alert will appear informing that you must grant permissions to this third-party user via the Manage Permissions for My Third Party task.
  2. Click OK.

Image of the pane granting permission to a third party user.

Additional Assistance

If you need additional assistance, click the link under the Related Services / Offerings section on this page to enter a support request online.

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