View My Teaching Schedule for Instructors

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Overview of Process

The BOW STU My Teaching Schedule report allows instructors to access their teaching schedule for an academic period.

View My Teaching Schedule

  1. Click the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left corner of your screen. 

    User clicks the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left of the Workday Homepage.
  2. From the Global Navigation Menu, select the Teaching dashboard.

    User selects the Teaching Dashboard from the Global Navigation menu.
  3. In the Teaching and Rosters section, select the BOW STU My Teaching Schedule report.

    The Teaching Dashboard displays. User clicks BOW STU My Teaching Schedule in the Teaching and Rosters section.
  4. Select an Academic Period.
  5. Click OK.

    User selects the 2024 Fall Semester in the Academic Period field and clicks OK.
  6. Your Teaching Schedule for the selected academic period will display information about the course section, course definition, status, number of enrolled students, number of seats available, number of waitlisted students, meeting time, location, instructors, and scheduled final exam time for each course. (Please note that teaching schedules prior to Fall 2025 are not available in Workday and must be requested via the data request form.)

    Note: The status of a course section denotes its availability for enrollment. If the section status is “Waitlist”, then a waitlist has been opened for that course section. If the section status is “Open”, students can register directly into the course if they are eligible. If the section status is “Closed”, the course section has no available capacity remaining (reserved and unreserved) or waitlist capacity.

    The BOW STU My Teaching Schedule displays. It lists the user's teaching schedule of course sections for the 2024 Fall Semester.

Additional Assistance

If you need additional assistance, click the link under the Related Services / Offerings section on this page to enter a support request online.