Our Faculty and Staff


Every academic site should have an "Our Faculty and Staff" page listed first in the navigation. This is designed to work with our Profiles site to pull in the correct profiles according to official departmental affiliations and the latest contact information in Workday.

The main "profile cards" that populate this page are determined by information on the Profiles site. There are three display options for the profile cards:

  • Separate Lists: Pulls in profiles by "affiliation" tags. Separates faculty profiles from staff profiles; profiles are alphabetized by last name within each section.
  • Combined List: Pulls in profiles by "affiliation" tags. Combines faculty profiles and staff profiles; profiles are alphabetzed by last name.
  • Custom: You can pull in any faculty or staff profile in any order, with custom group names (e.g., Laboratory Instructors, Faculty, Staff). 

This page also has options to add introduction text, top text, and bottom text; these fields can be used for staff photos, listing faculty emeriti, etc.

Note: All site editors should be trained and granted access to the Profiles site, which is a separate site from your academic site(s).



Article ID: 106082
Fri 4/24/20 11:02 AM