Reviewing User Permissions Inside a Sharepoint Site


This article is intended to assist Sharepoint permissions group owners to verify a users permissions to a specific site


This article is intended to assist Sharepoint permissions group owners to verify a users permissions to a specific site


  1. Access site to be managed
  2. At the site home screen, click the gear icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Site Permissions”
  4. Choose the “Advanced Permission settings” option to open the permissions group site
  5. In the top ribbon, click the "Check Permissions" tab
  6. A new window will appear, begin searching for the user or group by entering the information in the supplied text box. 
  7. Click on the user once the users name has begun to auto-populate in the drop down list.
  8. Click the "Check Now" button
  9. A full list of membership and permissions will be presented



Article ID: 114985
Fri 8/28/20 12:51 PM
Mon 12/2/24 1:01 PM