I need sudo permission in Terminal but Privileges doesn't work



  • I need to use sudo in Terminal but when running Privileges, the permissions don't work.


Sudo permissions may be needed to install command-line tools or to run some packages in macOS. Faculty and staff are not made direct administrators of computers, however they do have a small application called "Privileges" that is installed that will allow them to become an administrator temporarily.


The Terminal app reads permissions when the application loads. If a request for administrator privileges is made after Terminal has been opened, those permissions are not recognized.

In order for macOS to recognize someone's sudo ability in Terminal, permission must be requested by using the Privileges app before Terminal is opened. 

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Close Terminal: Ensure that the Terminal application is completely closed.
  2. Open Privileges App: Use the Privileges app to request administrator privileges.
  3. Open Terminal: After gaining administrator privileges through the Privileges app, open the Terminal application.

By following these steps, macOS will recognize your sudo ability in Terminal.


If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk



Article ID: 133449
Mon 7/26/21 11:59 AM
Tue 10/1/24 1:14 PM
Platform Environment (OS)