Adding a Document Title and Author to a Word Document's Properties


Word documents have a set of properties or metadata such as author, title, and subject. Filling in the document title field is helpful for those using a screen reader and helps to organize and identify information about the file.


Word documents have a set of properties or metadata such as author, title, and subject. Filling in the document title field is helpful for those using a screen reader and helps to organize and identify information about the file. 

Word for Windows

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Info to view the document properties.
  3. To add or change properties, hover your pointer over the property you want to update and enter the information. 
  4. Click the File tab again to return to your document. Any changes you made are saved automatically.

Video tutorial to change document properties in Word.
Video: How to change document properties in Word (58 seconds)

Word for Mac

  1. Click on the File tab.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Click on the Summary tab.
  4. Fill out the title for your document in the title field and author in the author field.



Article ID: 135877
Wed 12/22/21 11:52 AM
Wed 12/22/21 12:46 PM
Platform Environment (OS)
Windows, Mac OS

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