Mills Hall, Room 129, Cinema Classroom


Mills Hall, Room 129 is a cinema-style classroom with a professional theater projector and sound.


Mills Hall, Room 129 is a cinema-style classroom with a professional theater projector and sound.

General Information

Location: Mills Hall, Room 129
Hours: Open by reservation
Room Type: Classroom
Seating Capacity: 58 fixed seats + 2 accessible positions (no seats)
Reservations: Contact the Campus Scheduler


Instructor/Podium Station

  • Mac Mini providing macOS with access to a virtual Windows computer.
  • A list of software for either operating system can be found here.
  • Note: The computer does not have a CD-ROM drive.

A/V Technologies

  • Barco 2K Cinema Laser Projector with Cinema Server.
  • 8.2 Cinema surround sound.
  • 2 Blu-Ray players.
  • Touch panel controls at the in-room equipment rack.
  • Audio reinforcement.
  • Vocal reinforcement Instructor:  Yes - Two Shure Lavaliere microphones/body packs to room audio.
  • Vocal reinforcement Audience:  Yes - CatchBox & Hanging ceiling microphones dispersed throughout the room.
    • NOTE:  The PTZ web cameras, lavaliere and hanging microphones are the primary Zoom/MS Teams devices! The CatchBox may also be used as a microphone for Zoom/Teams.
  • Hearing Assist:  Yes, Hearing Loop (Inductive/T-coil):  Compatible with Telecoil-enabled hearing aids or cochlear implants for improved sound clarity and understanding. If a person does not have a compatible hearing aid and/or would like hearing assistance in a space, portable hearing devices are available.


Training and Support


We highly recommend that you request a training session before using this space for the first time. To request a session, click the button below.

Request Training Session


If you experience any issues in the classroom or lab, either with the AV technology or a computer, please let us know so we can fix it right away!

Report a Classroom or Lab Issue

Classroom Images




Article ID: 155239
Tue 4/25/23 1:35 PM
Thu 8/22/24 1:14 PM