Changing the default calling app to Microsoft Teams in Windows


Instructions on how to set or reset Windows to use Microsoft Teams as the default phone call application.



  • When I click a telephone number link on my Windows computer, Microsoft Teams isn't used to make a call
  • When I click a phone number on a web page, my computer asks for me to select an app to use. Can we make Teams the default?


Windows 10 and Windows 11 should, by default, want to use Microsoft Teams to make phone calls, if Teams is installed. Sometimes, however, another application, or no application at all, is the default app and Teams won't open. You can change this behavior by manually setting Microsoft Teams as the default app for phone calls by following the steps below.


  • Go to Start Menu -> Settings.
  • Click on Apps & Features
  • Click on Default Apps
  • Scroll to the bottom of the list on the right and choose "Choose default apps by protocol"
  • You will see 2 columns. On the left, look for "CALLTO URL:Call to". Next to it, in the right column, be sure it shows the Teams icon. If not, click the icon that is there and from the choices that show up, choose Microsoft Teams
  • You can close the Settings app and test the ability to make a phone call from a telephone number link.

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk



Article ID: 156319
Thu 6/22/23 11:01 AM
Mon 11/27/23 9:20 AM