Getting Started Using Canvas (2024-2025)


Annual updates and notes about using Canvas, the College's Learning Management System.


Canvas is Bowdoin's Learning Management System (LMS) or web-based course and organization management system. It provides many tools for faculty to manage a course or enhance learning activities with various features, including assignments, discussions, and a SpeedGrader that offers in-line grading and annotating. Many additional tools or Learning Technology Integrations (LTIs) are connected to Canvas and feature easy use and interchange of information (grades and rosters).


The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into Canvas. It displays the current courses that you are teaching and others that you are participating in, (i.e., faculty meetings, HR compliance training, etc.). There are two sections of courses: Published Courses and Unpublished Courses. Courses will be in the Unpublished Courses area until you publish them and make them available to your students.

Left-Hand Menu

The left-hand menu (also known as the global navigation menu) is visible throughout Canvas. It contains links to among other things the Dashboard, Courses, Calendar, Inbox, Help, and your Account.

The options for Account, Courses, Calendar, and Help are highlighted below.


The account section includes several options to customize your profile, including the Notifications settings. You can modify the default settings for how often you receive notifications. The options are to receive notifications immediately, daily, or weekly. The settings only apply to you; your students will set their own preferences. Notifications from Canvas come from


The Courses area on the left-hand menu provides you access to courses that you taught in previous semesters as well as your current ones. At the end of a semester, your previous courses will be listed in the Courses area and not in the Dashboard.

Past semester courses are not directly listed in the Dashboard. To access past courses, click Courses, scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar, and and click the All Courses link.


The calendar displays due dates for upcoming assignments and color codes them by course. It also offers the option to create office hour sign-ups and other course related events.


Under Help, you can access Bowdoin's support system, create a ticket and report a problem directly to the Canvas staff, and access the Canvas Guides for how-to information.

Building Your Courses

Click on any of your courses in the Dashboard to access them. Only current and future courses are editable. Past courses become read-only after the end of the semester.


Modules allow you to organize content and guide the flow of a course. Next and Previous buttons allow students to navigate your course in the order you intended. Set the modules up by week or topic to create a logical flow of the course content. Modules can contain files, pages, discussions, assignments, and/or quizzes. To create a module, click the + Module button and give it a name.


Pages contain static content, and you can add/embed content for students and add links to other content within Canvas and beyond. After you create a Module, click the + and choose Page from the drop-down menu. Choose Create Page, give it a name, and click Add Item. Then click on the newly created page from the module and click Edit to add your content. Click Save and Publish when the page is complete.


To create an assignment, click the + in a module and choose Assignment from the drop-down menu. Choose Create Assignment, give it a name, and click Add Item. Then click on the newly created assignment from the module and click Edit to configure it. If you would like the assignment to appear on the Calendar, be sure to set a due date. Click Save and Publish when the assignment is complete.


Upload your course files (syllabus, lecture notes, readings, etc.) and then link to them from Modules or Pages. The Files section on the left-hand menu is hidden from your students by default.

Make Course Content Visible to Students

As you create modules, pages, assignments, etc., make sure they are visible to your students. Click the circle with a slash to publish the content. You will know it’s available when the circle is green with a check-mark in it.

Course Settings

The settings in your course allow you to update the left-hand menu navigation of the course and update the course card that you and your students see in the Dashboard.


To update the organization and visibility of the left-hand menu, click the Navigation tab that runs along the top of the settings page. You will see two lists of menu items. Items in the top list are enabled and visible to students; items in the bottom list are disabled and hidden from your students. If you want to reorder menu items within the lists, drag-and-drop items between the lists. Click Save after reordering the menu items.

Course card image

To customize the image that you and your students see when you access your course from the Dashboard, you can change the image that is on the course card. In settings, go to the Course Details tab to view the existing image. It is currently the blue ocean. Click on the three dots on the image and choose Change Image. You will be prompted to choose a new image from your computer.

Student View

Click on the Student View button in the upper right-hand corner of your course to see what your students see. A pink banner will appear at the bottom of your course indicating that “you are currently logged into Student View.” This is a beneficial way to make sure that the items on the left-hand menu are displayed as expected and that the course content is visible to your students. To exit the student view, click the Leave Student View button on the pink banner.

Publishing Your Courses in Canvas

Courses in Canvas are not available until you are ready to share the content with your students.

Click the Publish button in the upper right-hand corner of the Home Page. It will turn green and say “Published” confirming that the course is now available to your students.

Note: Students will not see the courses in the Dashboard until you click the Publish button.

Courses Will Become Unavailable at the End of the Semester

To comply with copyright standards, all Canvas courses will be unavailable to students enrolled in them at the end of each semester. The Fall 2024 courses in Canvas will remain open and available to students until Early February 2025, when the system will make them unavailable.

Canvas Open Labs

Canvas Open Labs will be held most Mondays (10:00-11:00) and Fridays (10:30-11:30) during the semester. Registration and additional workshops and labs are available on our Workshops and Open Labs page in CampusGroups.

Additional Assistance

If you need assistance with your course in Canvas you can use our Canvas Request form to have someone contact you.



Article ID: 157417
Fri 8/11/23 8:52 AM
Thu 9/19/24 11:17 AM
Article applies to:
Describes which environment(s) this article pertains to such as Lab and Classroom workstations, Bowdoin-issued individual workstations, staff accounts, faculty accounts, etc.
Bowdoin faculty accounts