How do I get help when the Service Desk is closed?


Information about how to get help after-hours.



  • How do I get help when the Service Desk closed?
  • The Tech Hub and the Service Desk are closed but I need some help, what are my options?


The Tech Hub and Service Desk are open at varying hours throughout the calendar year. The most current hours can be found on our hours of operation knowledge base page.


Even when the Tech Hub and Service Desk are closed, faculty, staff, and students have several support options:

  1. Search the Support Portal: Look for knowledge base articles that may relate to the issue you need help with.

  2. Contact 24/7 Software Support: For software support that is not specific to Bowdoin (e.g., Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop), you can call (207) 725-3030 and press option '5' to reach our 24/7 third-party support partner.

  3. Report a Campus-wide Technology Emergency: If you need to report a technology emergency affecting the entire campus, such as email or wireless not working across campus, call (207) 725-3030 and press option '5'.




Article ID: 157960
Wed 9/20/23 11:33 AM
Thu 11/14/24 12:40 PM