Uploading Documents to OneDrive


This article describes methods for uploading and syncing files and folders with OneDrive.


Documents can be added to OneDrive in a variety of ways. The two most common methods is by uploading files from a web browser or by using a sync client. Both methods have their advantages and the can be used interchangeably as needed.

Web Browser

To upload a document or folder via a web browser, log in to https://portal.office.com and click on OneDrive, browse to the folder where you'd like to add the files and drag and drop the files from your computer into your browser window. The items will begin to upload and the page will refresh once they've been added. When adding files to OneDrive through a web browser, you can drag and drop files up to 10 GB in size.

Sync Client

You can install the OneDrive for macOS or Windows to keep a local folder on your computer in sync with your OneDrive content. Using the sync client will allow you to manage your files on your computer while offline and once you connect back to the Internet, the sync client will automatically upload the changed files (or download any files that may have been added through the web portal). When using the sync client you can add files up to 15 GB in size.

This video and tutorial will guide you through the steps to setup and work with the sync client for OneDrive.

Installing OneDrive Sync Client for Mac

OneDrive is automatically install on all Bowdoin-issued Macs, but if it is missing, you can download OneDrive for Mac through from the Self Service app. Once downloaded, follow the steps to log in to OneDrive and configure your local sync folder. By default, your sync folder will be named OneDrive - Bowdoin College. All files in this folder will be synced to OneDrive automatically.

Installing OneDrive Sync Client for Windows

OneDrive should already be installed on Bowdoinissued Windows computers.   Please contact the Service Desk if OneDrive is not installed on your Bowdoin computer.

Limitations when using the sync client

There are some limitations when adding files to OneDrive. When uploading through a browser, an error message will let you know what went wrong, when using a sync client, you will see an error message or won't see a green check next to the file/folder that should be synced.

For a complete list of limitations, visit Microsoft's Knowledge Base Page: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3125202/restrictions-and-limitations-when-you-sync-files-and-folders




Article ID: 41072
Thu 10/19/17 8:36 PM
Mon 12/2/24 1:23 PM

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