Service Catalog

Categories (18)

Accounts, Passwords, IDs & Access

Request support for tools that support accounts used at Bowdoin, passwords, multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and access.

Chat, Communication, & Collaboration

Request support for tools that support communication including Campus Groups, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Devices, Printing, Scanning, Software, & AI

Support for college-owned devices, printers, software, and AI available to faculty, staff, and students

Email, Calendar, & Scheduling

Request support for email and calendar tools, including Microsoft 365 email, Microsoft 365 calendaring, EMS, Campus Groups Events, Bookings, email lists, and more

Employee Management & HR Systems

Request support for systems and functions related to employee management and HR functions such as within Workday

File Management & Storage

Request support for file management and storage tools, including network file storage (J: Drive, H: Drive), OneDrive, Teams storage and more.

Finance & Purchasing Systems

Request support for systems related to finance and purchasing, such as with Workday Finance.

Information & Data Security

Request support for technology solutions managing risks and protecting both personal and Bowdoin information and systems

Internet & Networking

Request support for internet and network services, including remote network access (VPN) and Wireless.

Project Management, Consultation & Training

Request consultation for IT-related services, assistance for a project, request a project

Special Computer Environments

Request support for tools and services that support specialized computing environments, including the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster, Virtual workstations, Virtual labs, and more.

Student & Professional Services

Request support services offered to students including the MakerSpace Plus, 3D Printing, Linkedin Learning, and more.

Teaching & Learning

Request support for academic tools that support teaching and learning, including physical classrooms, hardware within classrooms, testing and proctoring, Canvas, Panopto, and more.

Technology Enhanced Spaces

Request support for spaces on campus that leverage technology, including classrooms, some computer labs, conference rooms, and more.

Technology Review

Request a technology review for all information technology, communication technology, or software purchases/renewal.

Telephone, TV, & Virtual Meetings

Request support for phone services, including voicemail, fax, Microsoft Teams phones, Xfinity OnCampus, and more.

Website Management

Request support for the Cascade content management system (CMS), Campus Groups, Wordpress and other website services.


Request support for Workday Finance, Workday HCM (HR), and Workday Student.

Services (2)

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Feedback or Suggestions

Provide feedback about Information Technology services, support, Bowdoin Bot and more.