- How do I log in and start Microsoft Bookings for the first time?
- Faculty and Staff
- Microsoft Bookings
New users of Microsoft Bookings may not know how to access the web app where they can set up and manage their booking calendar(s) and services.
What is Bookings? Microsoft Bookings is an online scheduling tool that assists with the scheduling or "booking" of appointments. Bookings was originally designed for small businesses, hence there is a lot of business-oriented language, but despite that, there are many ways to use Bookings in a college environment. Examples include using Bookings to create a calendar where students could book office hour appointments, setting up face-to-face appointments with the IT Service Desk or even schedule group events.
Logging in to Bookings
Important New User Tips
- Set your calendar's time zone by clicking on "Change language and time zone settings" under the "Booking Page" tab
- Set your availability to "Booking when staff are free" to sync your availability with your Outlook calendar under the "Booking Page" tab
- Know that if you delete a Bookings appointment from your Outlook calendar it will not cancel it in Bookings, so be sure to cancel your Bookings appointments from the MS Bookings website so that both you and the person who booked receive a cancellation notice
- Microsoft designed Bookings for small business use. However, it also works well for Higher Education administrators who need to schedule appointments. You will see the term “customer” is used to describe when we would typically say “student,” and while you can make your services have a price, you do not need to.