- I would like to use ArcGIS Pro for my coursework or research. How do I access ArcGIS Pro?
ArcGIS Pro is available for use in our Azure Virtual Desktop environment. Licensing is now handled using your Bowdoin login credentials. Legacy accounts that were created in ArcGIS Pro still work and will continue to do so until at least Summer 23.
Log in using Bowdoin Credentials
- Log into the Azure Virtual Desktops. Directions can be found in Related Articles.
- Launch ArcGIS Pro.
- Click on Your ArcGIS Organizations URL

- Enter BowdoinCollege for the URL and check the box that says Remember This URL.

- Click Continue.
- Below the Login click the blue Bowdoin College button.

- Enter your Bowdoin username and password when prompted.
- Authenticate with Duo when prompted.
Log in using Legacy ArcPro Credentials
- Log into the Azure Virtual Desktops. Directions can be found in Related Articles.
- Launch ArcGIS Pro.
- Enter your ArcPro Username and Password and click Sign In.