All Mailman list functions take place through a web browser. You will either need to be on campus or have enter your Bowdoin username and password to gain access to the administration pages of Mailman before you'll be able to manage your list.
NOTE: Mailman lists can contain email addresses that are not from Bowdoin. These steps will show you how to view the members of a list as well as add or remove members.
Access the Management Page For Your List
- Open a web browser and go to
- If you are away from campus, you will be prompted for your Bowdoin username and password
- Click on the Mailman Admin link to access the list of distribution lists
- From here, scroll down the page until you locate the list that you would like to manage and click on the list name link
- On the resulting page, enter the list password to access the management settings
View Membership of a List
- At the top of the page, click on the Membership Management... link as shown below
- If there are members of the list you will see them in a table under the "Membership List" heading on the page.
NOTE: If you have more than 30 members of the list, the table will be broken down alphabetically and you access the different sections by clicking on the links of the corresponding letters or numbers. These are broken down by the first character of each email address.
- The total count of members will appear at the top of the table, as shown below
Add Members to The List
- To add members to your list, click on the Membership Management... link just like you would to view the members of the list.
- Click on the newly revealed Mass Subscription link
- You can enter one or many email addresses in the first box under "Mass Subscriptions". Once complete, click on Submit Your Changes
Note the 3 options available to you when subscribing list members:
- You can choose to Subscribe the email address now or send an email inviting them to the list but they won't receive messages until they accept the invitation
- You can send a welcome message to the subscribers which means each address will receive an email welcoming them to the list
- You can send notifications of the new subscribers to the list owner. It is recommended that you set the first option to Subscribe and the others to No unless you would like any of those functions for your list.