Using Box Drive to Copy Files to Box from the “J Drive”


The easiest way for staff or faculty members to transfer multiple files or folders between the department folder on Microwave, “J Drive”, and Box is through Windows Explorer or the MacOS Finder instead of through the Box website interface.   To transfer files this way, Box Drive needs to be installed and running on your computer.   See:  Installing Box Drive in Windows or Installing Box Drive in MacOS

Once Box Drive is installed and connected to Box, transferring files is as easy as opening two Explorer or Finder windows and dragging files between the two windows. 

  • In the first window, Open the “J-Drive” and navigate to the student data folder you need to transfer to Box.  See: How to access department files on Microwave
  • In the second window navigate to the corresponding folder in Box by clicking on Box in the Finder Favorites or Explorer Sidebar
  • Select the files or folders you want to move in the first window and drag them to the corresponding Box folder in the second window.  Once the files are in the Box folder, they will sync to the Box website. 
Tip: Until you are comfortable with Box Drive, log into the website to verify that your documents have uploaded to Box as expected.  Sync time to the Box website is dependent on file size and network connection speed.

Two Finder Windows open in MacOS:

Two Explorer Windows open in Microsoft Windows


Managing the files on the J-Drive after being copied to Box

In order to avoid confusion and not have a collaborator accidentally work on an outdated file, after moving files to Box and verifying they uploaded successfully, delete the files from the “J Drive” or move them into a folder indicating that they were moved to Box.



Article ID: 83498
Sun 7/21/19 9:01 AM
Thu 10/3/19 10:17 AM
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