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Box is a secure cloud and file-sharing service that departments at Bowdoin use to share files with their student employees. Student employees will no longer be able to access department folders on Microwave ("J: Drive"). Files that student employees access need to be moved to Box.

Box can be accessed via a web browser by logging into the Login Portal at and clicking on the Box app icon.

For Students

Student Employees will be granted the ability to log into Box when they are hired for their Student Employment position and the ability to log into Box will be removed when their employment ends.

  • Students will not have access to any folders until their employment manager shares a folder with them. 
  • Sharing permissions are not automatically removed when a student ends their employment.  
    • When a student employee ends their position working in the department, the person managing that student employee needs to manually remove the sharing permissions to all the folders that student has access to.  
    • Viewing and Managing Collaborator Permissions in Box
  • Sharing permission reports will be periodically sent to the student managers so they can see who has access to each folder.
  • Students’ login access to Box is restricted to computers which are connected to the network by an ethernet cable in an administrative building on campus.  
    • Students will not be able to log into Box from their dorms, Bowdoin’s wireless network or from off-campus.

For Staff and Faculty

Staff and Faculty have the ability to log into Box from both on and off-campus, but they will not see any folders unless a folder is shared with them in order to collaborate with a student employee. 

  • The managers of student employees are automatically granted Co-Owner status of their department's Box folder and will be able to see and share all files within their department's Box folder.  
  • Co-Owner status allows that user to share with Student Employees or Faculty and Staff needing to collaborate with student employees.  
  • If other staff members in the department need Co-Owner permissions to the department's Box folder in order to invite collaborators, they can fill out the Request Box Folder Permissions request form and will be added to the Co-Owner group for their department's Box folder.

Box Drive

Staff members who use Box files regularly may install the Box Drive desktop app which allows Box files to be accessed directly through Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder.  Box drive can also be used by students who are using a Bowdoin owned and managed computer.   See: Box Drive

Scanning to a Department Folder in Box

Information Technology has enabled a secure Scan to Box feature on the multi-function Ricoh printer/scanners on campus.   Student employees need to use this function in order to scan to a SCAN folder in the department's Box folder

If the department's MFU does not have a Scan to Box button pre-configured to scan to the department's Box folder, they can make a request using the Configure MFU to Secure Scan to Box request form.

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Box Drive desktop app which allows Box files to be accessed directly through Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder.
Box can be accessed by logging into and clicking on the Box icon.
Professional staff members can use the Box Folder Permissions service request form to request Box access.
Student employees need to use the Scan to Box button on a Multi-Function Printer/Scanner in order to scan to their department's Box SCANS folder. This article contains links to the "Configure MFU to Scan to Box" request forms.

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Box is used by some departments in order to work with student employees on departmental materials. Department employee who need to be able to share folders and invite collaborators in Box need to request co-owner access to their department's Box folder. Student employee access is automatic from HR and access should not be requested through this process.

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