- What is the Self Service app
- Where is the Jamf app
Available on all Bowdoin-issued iPads and Bowdoin-issued Apple Computers.
The Self Service app for macOS and for iPad OS is only available on Bowdoin-owned and Bowdoin-managed devices. It can not be installed on any personal device. This ensures that licensed software does not get installed on devices where it is not allowed.
The Self Service app acts like a small Bowdoin app store. Apps that are recommended for student or faculty work may appear in Self Service in order to save time over going to the Apple App Store. Apps that Bowdoin purchases on behalf of students/faculty will also appear in Self Service and should be downloaded from here as there would be no cost for the iPad owner, as the apps have already been purchased.

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk