Registering your game console, streaming device or smart device


  • How do I register my game console in order to get join wireless?
  • How can I get my game console on wireless?
  • How can I get my Amazon echo device on wireless?
  • How can I get my Roku or Apple TV on wireless?
  • My device registration has expired, how do I re-register it?


Most consumer electronics are not designed to connect to enterprise-class wireless networks, such as those using WPA2-Enterprise or 802.1X standards. To ensure compatibility with these devices, Bowdoin provides a wireless network called BOWDOIN-PSK.

This network uses a consumer-level security protocol that is compatible with most consumer electronics while still maintaining a secure connection. Each device connects to BOWDOIN-PSK using a unique device-specific password, ensuring individualized security for every device.

To connect to the BOWDOIN-PSK wireless network, you need to register your device and obtain a unique password specific to that device. Follow the steps below to complete the registration process.

If your device registration has expired, you will need to re-register that device in order to connect to the BOWDOIN-PSK network by following the instructions on this page.


To register your device, or re-register in the case of expiration, and obtain the device's unique password, follow these steps:

  • Log in to using your Bowdoin email address and password.
  • Click the Create button near the middle of the page.
  • Enter the MAC address of your device (for information on how to find your MAC address if you don't have it, see the "Related Articles" section on the right.)
    • If you need to go through a setup of your device to get the MAC address please choose PRIVATE NETWORK (NOT the Guest Network!).
  • Enter a name for your device. Be descriptive like "Jason's PlayStation 5". This way, if you have more than one device, you'll be able to pick it out of the list.
  • Click Create.
  • Next, you will receive an email that has the details of the registration and the password to be used.
    • You can print those same details from the website if needed.
  • On your device, choose the wireless network named BOWDOIN-PSK and when asked, enter the password that was emailed to you.
  • Your device will now join the wireless network and you can use it as you normally would.

If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the Bowdoin College Service Desk.

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