Create Saved Schedule - Add Classes from Course Section Report - Edit Saved Schedule for Students

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Overview of Process

Students can create a Saved Schedule in Workday to plan out the course sections they intend to register for in the upcoming semester; these can only be created once the semester schedule is available. Students can register directly from their Saved Schedule, saving time once their registration window opens.  All Bowdoin students will be required to create at least one saved schedule with their advisor before the advisor hold will be lifted; if the student does not do this, they will not be able to register. Best practice is to create a primary saved schedule, and then, with your advisor’s help, plan potential substitute schedules in case a course in your primary saved schedule is not available in your registration. 

Create Saved Schedule from Academic Plan

  1. Click the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left corner of your screen. 

    User is on the Workday Homepage and clicks the Global Navigation menu button.
  2. Click the Academics Hub.

    The Global Navigation menu displays. User selects the Academics Hub application.
  3. Click Planning and Registration and then select My Academic Plan.

    The Academics Hub opens to the Academic Overview screen. User clicks the Planning and Registration tab on the Academics navigation pane and then selects My Academic Plan.
  4. Click Create Saved Schedule.

    User's Academic Plan displays. User clicks Create Saved Schedule.
  5. Select an Academic Plan if you have more than one. This will default to the Primary Plan but can be changed to an alternate plan, if desired.

    Note: To see instructions on how to create an academic plan, view the Create Academic Plan for Students job aid.
  6. Select the semester to build the saved schedule for in the Start Date Within field.
  7. Click OK.

    User selects an Academic Plan, selects 2025 Spring Semester in the Start Date within field, and clicks the OK button.
  8. Enter a Saved Schedule Name.

    User enters 2025 Spring Saved Schedule as Saved Schedule Name.
  9. Each course identified on the Academic Plan within the Academic Period specified is listed on the left-hand side. For each course, select a specific Course Section if one is being offered. 

    Note: Remove a course by clicking the Remove button (-) in the upper right corner of the course box. This will not remove the course from your academic plan.

    Three courses on the Academic Plan within the Academic Period load into the Save Schedule. User selects a Course Section for each course.
  10. Click OK.

    User clicks the OK button.
  11. Click Calendar View to view the saved schedule in a calendar view.

    User selects the Calendar View button.

    User views Saved Schedule Course Calendar.
  12. Click Done.

    User clicks Done button.


Create Saved Schedule from Find Course Sections Report

  1. Click the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left corner of your screen. 

    User is on the Workday Homepage and clicks the Global Navigation menu button.
  2. Click the Academics Hub.

    The Global Navigation menu displays. User selects the Academics Hub application.
  3. Under Suggested Links, click the BOW STU Find Course Sections report.

    The Academics Hub opens to the Academic Overview screen. User clicks the BOW STU Find Course Sections report under the Suggested Links section.
  4. Select an Academic Period(s).
  5. If applicable, make selections in the Course(s)Course TagsInstructorDays, and/or Days/Timesfilters to narrow the course section list further.
  6. Click OK.

    User selects the 2025 Spring Semester in the Academic Period field and clicks Ok button.
  7. The Find Courses Sections report lists all course sections offered for the selected academic period, with options to filter by subject, days/times, instructor, availability, etc.
  8. Use the search bar at the top of the report to search for a course section by name. 

    User enters "Hist" in the report search bar and clicks Search.
  9. To further narrow your search results for course sections, use the Section StatusSubjectCourse TagsCourseDaysDays/TimesInstructors, and/or Classroom Location search filters on the left-side of the report.

    User applies the Open filter in the Section Status filter section. User applies the History filter in the Subject filter section.
  10. Click a Course Section.

    User clicks the HIST 1140-01 course section.
  11. Click Add to Saved Schedule.

    The View Course Section screen displays. User clicks the Add to Saved Schedule button.
  12. Select Create Student Registration Saved Schedule in the Saved Schedule field.

    User clicks within the Saved Schedule field and selects Create Student Registration Saved Schedule.
  13. Enter a Saved Schedule Name.
  14. Click OK.

    Users enters 2025 Spring Semester SS in the Saved Schedule Name field and clicks OK.
  15. Click Choose Times.

    User clicks the Choose Times button.
  16. Select the Course Section to add to the saved schedule.
  17. Click OK.

    User selects the course section to add to the saved schedule and clicks the OK button.
  18. Click Calendar View to view the saved schedule in a calendar view.

    Note: Click Add Course Sections or navigate back to the Find Course Sections report to add additional course sections to the saved schedule. Click Edit to update this saved schedule.
  19. Click Done.

    The confirmation screen displays. The Calendar View button is highlighted. User clicks the Done button.


Add Course Sections to Saved Schedule from Find Course Sections Report

  1. Click the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left corner of your screen. 

    User is on the Workday Homepage and clicks the Global Navigation menu button.
  2. Click the Academics Hub.

    The Global Navigation menu displays. User selects the Academics Hub application.
  3. Under Suggested Links, click the BOW STU Find Course Sections report.

    The Academics Hub opens to the Academic Overview screen. User clicks the BOW STU Find Course Sections report under the Suggested Links section.
  4. Select an Academic Period(s).
  5. If applicable, make selections in the Course(s)Course TagsInstructorDays, and/or Days/Timesfilters to narrow the course section list further.
  6. Click OK.

    User selects the 2025 Spring Semester in the Academic Period field and clicks Ok button.
  7. The Find Courses Sections report lists all course sections offered for the selected academic period, with options to filter by subject, days/times, instructor, availability, etc.
  8. Use the search bar at the top of the report to search for a course section by name. 

    User enters "Hist" in the report search bar and clicks Search.
  9. To further narrow your search results for course sections, use the Section StatusSubjectCourse TagsCourseDaysDays/TimesInstructors, and/or Classroom Location search filters on the left-side of the report.

    User applies the Open filter in the Section Status filter section. User applies the History filter in the Subject filter section.
  10. Click a Course Section.

    User clicks the HIST 1140-01 course section.
  11. Click Add to Saved Schedule.

    The View Course Section screen displays. User clicks the Add to Saved Schedule button.
  12. Select the Saved Schedule.
  13. Click Choose Times.

    User clicks the Choose Times button.
  14. Select the Course Section to add to the saved schedule.
  15. Click OK.

    User selects the course section to add to the saved schedule and clicks the OK button.
  16. Click Calendar View to view the saved schedule in a calendar view.

    Note: Click Add Course Sections or navigate back to the Find Course Sections report to add additional course sections to the saved schedule. Click Edit to update this saved schedule.
  17. Click Done.

    The confirmation screen displays. The Calendar View button is highlighted. User clicks the Done button.


Edit Saved Schedule

  1. Click the Global Navigation Menu button in the top-left corner of your screen. 

    User is on the Workday Homepage and clicks the Global Navigation menu button.
  2. Click the Academics Hub.

    The Global Navigation menu displays. User selects the Academics Hub application.
  3. Click Planning and Registration and then select Saved Schedules.

    The Academics Hub opens to the Academic Overview screen. User clicks the Planning and Registration tab on the Academics navigation pane and then selects Saved Schedules.
  4. Click the Actions button next to the saved schedule you’d like to edit.
  5. Click Edit.

    The View My Saved Schedules screen displays. User clicks the Actions button and selects Edit.

  6. Make any needed changes.
  7. Once the saved schedule is updated, click Save.

    The Edit Saved Schedule screen displays. The user makes changes and clicks the Save button.


Additional Assistance

If you need additional assistance, click the link under the Related Services / Offerings section on this page to enter a support request online.