Classroom Touchscreen Interface - Version B

This type of classroom typically has an interactive projector and/or a smaller tabletop or wall-mounted touch panel

Classrooms this article applies to:

  • Adams Hall 202
  • Center for Arctic Studies 108
  • Mills Hall 210
  • Roux Center 108
  • Roux Center 112
  • Roux Center 209
  • Roux Center 212 (Conference Room)
  • Roux Center 232 (Conference Room)
  • Roux Center 302
  • Roux Center 303
  • Roux Center 307
  • Searles 113
  • Searles 213
  • Searles 215
  • Searles 217

General Touch Screen Interface
Mode Select and Startup
Touchscreen Main Display
Source or Input Selection
BluRay Controls
Volume and Image Mute Controls
Whiteboard Mode
Touchscreen Help Button


Touch screen interface

This classroom uses a 10 inch touch panel that will be wall mounted near your instructor station. The touch screen is primarily how you will control all aspects of the system. When you first look at the screen it will be on the splash page, which will look like this.

The screen can be tapped to start the system. The QR code in the bottom right will lead you to this instructional page if you scan it.

Lighting and Shades

The buttons to the left of the QR code will open the lighting and shades control pages.


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Mode Select

After you tap the splash page to start the system, you will be prompted with a choice of mode. You can either use the system with audio and video, or use it in audio only mode. Audio only mode will not turn the projector on or send the screen down. You will still be able to see your desktop and use the in-room audio system to hear whatever audio is coming from the source you've selected.



Starting Up

After you have selected your mode, you will be shown a page that looks like this, that will include a timer counting down the time you have left before you can use the system:

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Main Page

Once the system has finished starting up and it ready to use, the main page will be displayed


The default source that will be selected will be the instructor computer. In addition to displaying from the projector, you will get a message in the center pane letting you know that you have selected instructor computer and that there are no controls for that device associated with the touch panel.

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Selecting your source

The first thing you will notice is that your available sources are in a row starting at the top left of the screen.

When a source is selected, the button will be highlighted black, like you see in the image below. When a source is not selected, it will have a transparent background.

This is what the page will look like if you have selected the Solstice Pod or other Wireless presentation device such as Apple TV:

The button will be highlighted, as well as a message in the center of the touch panel providing you information about your selected source. If your source had controls associated with it, they would appear here.

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Using the Blu-Ray player

Tap on the Blu-Ray icon

Here we see that because Blu-Ray is the selected source, your various Blu-Ray player controls appear in the center pane of the screen. The controls available to you will vary slightly by model of Blu-Ray player used. The first thing you should do if the Blu-Ray player is not displaying on the screen is press the power button on the far right of the control pane.

Your transport controls are in the center of the control pane and will operate similarly depending on the model of player. The arrow buttons on the left side of the screen allow you to navigate the menu, and the center circle button is the "OK" or "Enter" used to select menu options.

Note: Not all Blu-Ray players have the same functionality or controls. If you find functionality missing or unavailable, please contact IT for further clarification or help.

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Volume and Image mute

Visible no matter what source you have selected, your volume slider is located in the center of the bottom pane. This is used to adjust your volume level by touch.

If you want to set your volume to zero, a quick way to do this would be with the volume mute button located to the left of the volume slider. Pressing this button once will stop the audio, and the button will change to indicate that you have muted the audio.


Let's draw our attention to the button to the left of the Volume Mute button. This is the Image Mute button. This button, when pressed, completely blanks out whatever is showing on the screen. In addition, it will also change to indicate that it has been turned on.


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Whiteboard mode and Touch Disable function

Due to the presence of an interactive projector in this space, you have the choice of disabling your ability to use the interactive touch functionality of the fixed whiteboard/projector screen. This would be useful if you are using the whiteboard functionality which will be shown below.

Using whiteboard mode in conjunction with disabling touch will allow you to have a blank white image that you can use to write on with markers, without interfering or interacting with any of the controls on the screen. To regain your interactive ability, just tap the touch disabled button when it is red.


Note: Newer model interactive projectors do not have this functionality on the touch panel and it must be controlled from the projector's on-screen interface. Please contact IT for further help if you are having trouble finding this functionality.

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Help Page

The help page can be accessed by pressing the icon next to the power button. It includes a QR code that when scanned, brings you to this instructional page. It also includes the service desk line for classroom emergencies.


Shutting down the system

The power button is represented by a power symbol in the top right of the screen. When pressed, this button will provide you with a shutdown confirmation page. Where you can choose to shut down the system, or return to the previous page if you pressed it by mistake.


Shutdown Confirmation:


When you shut down the system, all technology in the classroom will shut down. The projector will turn off, and all video and audio will stop. This will all happen automatically and there is nothing more you need to do when you are done in a space other than pressing the "Yes, Shut Down" button.

Once the system shuts down, it will return to the splash page again after a brief display of the cool down page.

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Article ID: 114202
Wed 8/19/20 9:40 AM
Mon 1/29/24 3:06 PM

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