Digital Badge Learning Pathway subscription email notifications


  • I received an email about being "subscribed to a pathway", what is this?
  • Is this learning pathway email spam?


Members of the Bowdoin community may, from time to time, receive an email that they've been "subscribed to a pathway". This is a notification as part of the Digital Badging program offered at the College. A message is sent to those who have been added to a pathway so they can log in and work towards earning a new digital badge, if they choose, or in the least, see what the badge might entail. An example of the body of a message is shown below.

Image of the body of an email received when subscribed to a new Badging pathway. This image includes the badge Title and then the badge logo underneath.


These messages are not spam, and if someone is not interested, they can be ignored.

If you are interested, the first pathway you view you will be asked to set up a Badgr/Canvas Credentials account. This a personal account, not tied to your Bowdoin account. The intent is that your earned badges go with you, even if you leave Bowdoin.

The account creation process is normal and all required fields are marked. Once an account is created, you'll be able to see learning pathway referenced in the email message.


If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk

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Article ID: 157578
Thu 8/24/23 9:32 AM
Thu 8/24/23 11:27 AM

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