Limitations on Bowdoin guest (BOWDOIN-GUEST) wifi


  • Are there limitations on the Bowdoin Guest wireless?
  • What can I not do on BOWDOIN-GUEST?
  • Do I have access to everything as a Bowdoin student while connected to BOWDOIN-GUEST?


A device connected to BOWDOIN-GUEST wireless.


The BOWDOIN-GUEST wireless network is not intended for use by Bowdoin staff, faculty, or students. It is intended as a courtesy for guests of the college, and because of this, it does not have access to all systems and services that the BOWDOIN or eduroam networks have.

What is available on BOWDOIN-GUEST wireless

Customers connected to BOWDOIN-GUEST will be provided access to the Internet only, in 24-hour increments. After 24 hours, they must re-connect to the network.

What is not available on BOWDOIN-GUEST wireless

People with a Bowdoin account will not have access to services that require you to be on a Bowdoin network. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Access to Microwave or other network department drives and shares.
  • SSH access to Bowdoin services such as the High-performance cluster (HPC), servers, devices, etc.
  • Printing to a Bowdoin Printer
  • Access to campus-only video resources such as PolarFlix (Swank).
  • Access to some of the Polaris pages.
  • Apple AirPlay or other wireless broadcast technology to devices also not on BOWDOIN-GUEST.

Additional Help

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk

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