View and Add Student Notes (Comment Cards) for Advisors, Academic Department Coordinators (ADCs), Faculty, Registrar, & Dean of Students

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Overview of Process

Instructors will now be recording Comment Cards for Students in Workday as Student Notes. Comment Cards can be viewed and entered on the student’s profile. Faculty can also view and enter Comment Cards for their students on their Teaching Dashboard. Advisors can view Comment Cards for their advisees on their BOW STU Advisor Dashboard.

View Comment Cards for Student

  1. Type student: followed by the student’s name into the Workday Global Search Bar and click Enter on your keyboard.

    User is on Workday Homepage. User types ‘student: Paul R Bear’ into Workday Search Bar.

    Note: The BOW STU Find Academic Records report can also be used to search for a student and navigate to their student profile.
  2. Select the Student’s Name to view their profile.

    User selects Paul R. Bear's student profile.

    Note: In order to see and select Student results, make sure to type student: before the student’s name or have Student as a saved category. If you do not, you may pull student and employee profiles for your search. To learn more about finding students in Workday or to set up Student as a saved category, refer to the Finding Students and Student Profile Overview.
  3. Click the History tab.

    The student profile displays. User clicks the History tab.
  4. View comment cards entered for the student on the Note History sub-tab. Click the Expand Notesbutton to view all comment card details.

    The Note History tab displays with all comment cards entered for the student in Workday. User clicks the Expand Notes button.
  5. View the student’s full Comment Card history in Workday on the View Student Note History page.

    The student’s full Comment Card history in Workday displays on the View Student Note History page.


Add Comment Card for Student

  1. Type student: followed by the student’s name into the Workday Global Search Bar and click Enter or Return on your keyboard.

    User is on Workday Homepage. User types ‘student: Paul R Bear’ into Workday Search Bar.

    Note: The BOW STU Find Academic Records report can also be used to search for a student and navigate to their student profile.

  2. Select the Student’s Name to view their profile.

    User selects Paul R. Bear's student profile.

    Note: In order to see and select Student results, make sure to type student: before the student’s name or have Student as a saved category. If you do not, you may pull student and employee profiles for your search. To learn more about finding students in Workday or to set up Student as a saved category, refer to the Finding Students and Student Profile Overview.

  3. Click the Actions button under the student’s name and pronouns.
  4. Hover over the Note section and click Add Student Note.

    Notes: You also add a note directly from your section or waitlist rosters by hovering in the space after the student’s name and clicking the three dots that appear. As the Actions menu displays, navigate to Note, then Add Student Note. 
    The Add Student Note task can also be accessed from the Workday Global Search bar.
    Starting from the student’s profile or record ensures you are leaving a note for the correct student.

    The student profile displays. User clicks the Actions button. The Actions Menu displays, the User hovers their computer cursor over the Note section and clicks Add Student Note.

  5. The Student field will auto-fill with the student’s name.
  6. In the Note Topic(s) field, select Academic Comment Card (Comment Cards). This is a selectable field because we have the option of adding additional note types in the future. This requirement to select a topic field is not something Bowdoin has control over.
  7. Today’s date and time will auto-fill in the Note Date field. Update as needed.
  8. Select a source for Conversation Initiated by, if applicable. None of these options will feel especially applicable, but they are the Workday-delivered values and we are not able to adjust them at the present time.
  9. In the Note field, enter the details of the comment card for the student. Please enter the semester and course information that pertains to your Comment Card.
  10. Select Yes or No in the Share with Student field. If Yes is selected, this note will be viewable by the student. If No is selected, this note will not be viewable by the student. Please note that Bowdoin’s practice has been to share Comment Cards with students in all cases, and, per FERPA, students will have a right to review any Comment Cards that are submitted about them. Therefore, we suggest you always share your Comment Cards with the student.
  11. Click OK.

    The Add Student Note task displays. User selects Academic Comment Card (Comment Cards) in the Note Topic(s) field, enters a Note Date, enters the Note, selects Yes in the Share with Student field, and clicks OK.
  12. The confirmation screen will display when the Comment Card has been successfully entered for the student. If applicable, click the Add Linked Note button to create an additional comment card linked to this comment card.

    The Comment Card confirmation screen displays. The Add Linked Note button is highlighted.

Additional Assistance

If you need additional assistance, click the link under the Related Services / Offerings section on this page to enter a support request online.