- How do I access a network folder from my personal computer?
- Apple's macOS
- Microsoft Windows
- Linux
Please note if you are attempting to connect to a network drive from off campus, connect to the Campus network via VPN before trying to connect.
- On your computer, click on Finder in the Dock.
- Click Go - Connect to Server from the Finder menu (menu bar)
- Enter smb:// and click Connect
- When prompted, enter your Bowdoin username and your password and click OK
- After a few moments an Finder window will open with all of the courses available listed.
- Browse into the folder you would like to access.
- On your computer, click on the Start Menu (lower-left corner with the Windows logo)
- In the search field enter \\\dept and press Enter on the keyboard
- When asked, enter your Bowdoin username in the format as follows
- (it is important that you use your username but that it is followed with the
- Enter your password and click OK
- After a few moments an Explorer window will open.
- Browse into the course folder you would like to access.
- Open a terminal shell
- Run the following commands with root privileges
- Replace USERNAME with your actual Bowdoin account, ie "jsmith", and do not include ""
- Please note there are no spaces between USERNAME, the comma, and "domain="
- For example, to mount the Department drive:
- mkdir -p /mnt/dept
- mount -t cifs user=USERNAME,domain=BOWDOINCOLLEGE.EDU //
- Enter your Bowdoin account password when prompted
- You will find the Microwave volume mounted under the "/mnt" directory.
Additional Help
If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk