Troubleshooting Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned in Jupyterhub

Troubleshooting Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned

  • When logging in, do not use "" as part of your login account.
    If your Bowdoin account is "jsmith", then only type "jsmith". If you get an "Error 404", you probably typed the "" when you logged in. Please logout and try again.
  • The login account should be all lower case letters.
    We've recently seen some browsers that capitalize the first letter, which breaks authentication.
  • If you are running a notebook, and the browser seems to hang, let it wait a minute or two.
    If the server is in the process of running a really intensive process, it can take a bit before the browser is refreshed and interactive again.
  • You see a message "_xsrf argument missing from POST"
    Try going to the browser tab that lists your file contents and open a new notebook using the "New" button near the upper right. This may clear the error message and allow you to go back to the tab with your first notebook and save your work.
  • If you are off campus, you will need to connect to the campus VPN before you can access Jupyterhub.
    Please contact the IT Service Desk if you need assistance with the VPN.
  • Do not use the "GUEST" Wifi network.
    All faculty, staff, and students should be using either the "BOWDOIN" or "eduroam" Wifi networks since they are faster and will allow access to campus services, such as Jupyterhub, that you cannot get to from the "GUEST" network.
  • If you encounter other strange errors, this can sometimes be cleared up by restarting your Jupyter notebook server.
    Click on "Control Panel" in the upper right, then "Stop my Server", wait 10 to 15 seconds, then click "Start my Server", then "Launch Server".
  • If you run into something not covered here, please take a screenshot and jot down a few notes describing what you were doing at the time and send them to us.
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Article ID: 114684
Tue 8/25/20 12:07 PM
Tue 9/1/20 5:07 PM
Platform Environment (OS)

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