Using an iPad to Upload Files into Jupyterhub

You might want to use a Jupyter notebook provided by a faculty member or other source, and are curious how you might do that from an iPad. Here's how:

Step 1: Download a file in Jupyterhub to an iPad

  1. Using the Safari web browser on the iPad, go to the web page that has the Jupyter notebook (or other file) on it.
  2. Click and hold on the link to the file (hold your finger on it) until a pop up menu appears.
  3. Select "Download Linked File". The file is now downloaded to your iPad.

Step 2: Upload the file to Jupyterhub from an iPad

  1. Login to Jupyterhub. Click on the "UP" arrow that is at the top of the page above the file listings, located between the folder icon and the refresh icon.
  2. Select "Browse"
  3. You should see a list of the files that have been downloaded to your iPad. Click on the one you wish to upload.
  4. The file should now upload.

Sometimes the iPad adds a ".txt" ending to the file which will need to be removed before we can run it.

If you have a two button mouse attached you can right click and select "Rename", otherwise double click on the file to open it, then choose "File", "Rename file" from the menu. Click in the text field and remove the ".txt" ending, then click the blue "Rename" button.

The file should be ready to use. Double click on it to run it, and select the appropriate kernel if asked, then click the blue "Set Kernel" button (or "Select" button if shown instead). For example, if this is a SageMath Jupyter notebook, select "SageMath", then "Set Kernel". The notebook should now run.

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Article ID: 114683
Tue 8/25/20 12:03 PM
Mon 3/27/23 11:22 AM
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