Using an iPad to Upload Files into R Studio Server Pro

Tags R RStudio ipad

Uploading Files into R Studio Server Pro From an iPad

Step 1: Downloading a file from the web onto an iPad

  1. Using the Safari web browser on the iPad, go to the web page that has the file on it.
  2. Click and hold on the link to the file (hold your finger on it) until a pop up menu appears.
  3. Select "Download Linked File". The file is now downloaded to your iPad.

Step 2: Upload the File to R Studio Pro

  1. Login to R Studio Pro. (Use the VPN from off campus)
  2. In the lower right hand corner of the screen, click on the Files menu.
  3. Click on the Upload button.
  4. Under the File to Upload option, click on the Browse button.
  5. You should see a list of the files that have been downloaded to your iPad. Click on the one you wish to upload.
  6. Click on the OK button. The file should now upload.
Note: Sometimes the iPad adds a ".txt" ending to the file which will need to be removed before running it. Click on the square box to the left of the filename, then click on the Rename button above and slightly to the right of the file list. Click in the text field and remove the ".txt" ending, then click the blue OK button.  The file should now be renamed,
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Article ID: 115219
Tue 9/1/20 11:49 AM
Tue 9/1/20 1:49 PM
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R Studio Server Pro is a web-based, graphical development environment for writing and running R code.