Daily Symptom Check FAQ

It’s essential that you conduct a daily symptom check for COVID symptoms, including a feeling of fever or chills, cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches, congestion or runny nose, headache, sore throat, diarrhea, and nausea or vomiting!

Students, faculty, and staff are expected to use the Campus Clear app to monitor their symptoms. Know that we are especially concerned for your fellow students in residence and members of our community who are more vulnerable (e.g., people with underlying health conditions).

What to do if you have COVID-like symptoms (i.e., get a “frown face” on Campus Clear)?

  • Avoid contact with others (this includes attending classes, sports practices, etc.) and “self-isolate” (see below for details).
  • If you are symptomatic on your testing day, please do not report to the testing center. Instead, call Bowdoin College Health Services at (207) 725-3770, and our team will coordinate getting you tested separately.
  • During regular business hours (Monday-Friday): call Heath Services if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms. Our providers will assess over the phone and if needed, with a telehealth appointment.
  • After hours and on weekends: if you have COVID-like symptoms that are mild and easily managed, please self-isolate to the extent possible, monitor your symptoms, and take care of yourself (see below) until Health Services re-opens for our usual hours of operation.
  • If you ever experience any of the following symptoms at any time, seek emergency medical help by calling Bowdoin Security at (207) 725-3500 or 911: trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or bluish lips or face. 

How do you self-isolate?

  • Because people with COVID often have mild or no symptoms, it is important that you consider yourself a positive case even with minimal or no symptoms and self-isolate.
  • Stay in your room and avoid contact with other people.
  • When you must leave your room (e.g., to use the restroom), wear a facemask. You do not need to wear a facemask when you are alone in your room.
  • When using shared bathrooms, only one person at a time should be using it. Wipe down surfaces before and after use with disinfectant wipes or spray. Always wear a mask in the bathroom whenever possible.
  • Dine in your room. Do not go out for food. On-campus students should coordinate with a friend or floor mate to pick up to-go meals on your behalf.
  • Additional tips from the CDC for self-isolating.

What can you do to take care of yourself if you have symptoms?

  • To manage minor symptoms, you may take over-the-counter medications for discomfort. For fever or chills, you may use over-the-counter acetaminophen 325mg two tabs every 4 hours or ibuprofen 200mg two tabs every 4 hours. These over-the-counter medications are included in the “Self Care” packets available in every dorm.
  • Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Contact your professors if you are unable to participate in class.
  • For any symptoms that are severe or concerning to you, call the Health Service at (207) 725-3770. We are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30-5 and Wednesday from 10:30-5. Anytime Health Services staff are unavailable, or after-hours, call Security at (207) 725-3500.
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Article ID: 116427
Thu 9/17/20 3:19 PM
Mon 9/21/20 9:37 AM