March 2021: Introduction to Information Technology Surveys

Beginning on Wednesday, March 8, Information Technology will begin sending random survey requests by email to clients who contact IT and have a ticket request created and ultimately closed. Survey responses will help IT staff determine our client's overall satisfaction with the service they received and highlight areas where we may need to focus more attention. The surveys may also be different depending on the type of request being made and the type of information that is being targeted during a survey campaign.

Survey Details

  • Surveys will be random and will not be sent for every request completed.
  • A link to the original request will be included in the event that a client needs to refresh their memory about the specific request.
  • Surveys will not be sent to anyone who has received the same survey within 14 days.
  • Surveys are not required. We encourage our clients to complete the surveys as they will help identify any areas of improvement needed.
  • Surveys are not anonymous. IT staff may reach out for additional feedback if necessary.
  • The URL that a client will be sent to to take the survey will always start with the following:


Survey Email Message

If a client receives a survey request, the message will look similar to the one shown below. This message uses the same look as the other ticket request system email messages.


Survey Email Template


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