If you attempt to view an archived video from either a Canvas course, a web page or from a direct link, the following message will appear:
“This video is archived and must be restored from the archive before it can be viewed. Restoration may take up to 48 hours.”
The time to restore a video can be up to 48 hours.
Videos may be archived in Panopto either by an individual choosing to do so, or through a global policy applied to video assets. This is done to ensure Panopto storage limits are not exceeded by offloading infrequently viewed video files. When a video is archived, the permissions are kept intact, and as such, viewers will only be able to see the archived videos they have access to and must be authenticated in order to view them.
Case 1: Panopto video from the Panopto webpage
From your Panopto / MyFolder', look for the icon with a number showing archived videos/audio files:

Click on the Archive icon then select a video that you would like to restore, then click 'OK':

Case 2: Panopto video in a Canvas course
If you encounter an archived Panopto video in a Canvas course you can click on the ‘Restore from archive’ link:

If you have permission to restore the video then you will see a ‘Restore from archive initiated’ message. Once the restored has been completed you will be able to view the video again in the Canvas course.

Case 3: Panopto video on a web page
If you encounter an archived Panopto video on a web page the video will appear greyed out with a message displayed over top of it. Select the ‘Restore from archive’ linked text to restore the video:
If you have permission to restore the video then you will see a ‘Restore from archive initiated’ message. Once the restored has been completed you will be able to view the video again on the web page.

Case 4: Panopto video from a direct link
If you encounter an archived Panopto video from a direct link the viewer will display the video's thumbnail on the left and the message on the right. Select the ‘Restore from Archive’ button to restore the video:

By default, when an archived video is restored, its creator will receive an email notification. The email will include a link to the restored video and information on who restored the video
If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk