How can I embed a video or audio file from Panopto into my WordPress site?
Panopto video and audio files can be embedded into your WordPress site. Simply copy the embed code found in the sharing options of a Panopto file and paste it into your WordPress site whilst in 'Text' view. Finally change the leading < and ending > from the embed code to use the [ and ] symbols. Publish your WordPress page and the panopto video will appear enbedded in the page.
The process of embedding a Panopto file into a WordPress site can be done with any web browser, om either a Mac or a PC.
How To
Login to your Panopto account at and find the video or audio file that you would like to embed.
Hover your mouse over the video thumbnail and click on the 'Share' icon

Click on the 'Change' link under "Who can access this video" (it says Only specific people and groups by default).
Select 'Public (unlisted) Anyone who has the link'
Click the 'Embed' icon at the bottom of the sharing settings window. Use the options to customize the embed, then click 'Copy Embed Code'.
Login to your WordPress site's dashboard. Check to see that the 'iFrame' plugin is activated for your site:
Find the post or page on which you would like to embed your Panopto file, and click 'Edit' (or add a new post or page). Make sure that you select the 'Text' tab at the editor's top right hand corner, then paste the embed code into the box where you would like it to appear on your web page.You can then switch back to the Visual tab if you'd like to add more content in addition to your video (or audio).
Finally change the leading < and ending > from the embed code to use the [ and ] symbols. When you're finished, click 'Publish' (or Update).
Here's what your embedded Panopto video should look like on your WordPress post or page:
If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk