Faculty or Staff Leaving the College

Whether you are retiring or leaving Bowdoin for other reasons, we wish you well in your future endeavors. Before you leave, please review the following information about your email and data.


  • Staff accounts are disabled at 11:59 PM on the scheduled day of departure or immediately upon termination.
  • Faculty accounts during periods of grade entry or terms ending in May are available for 30 days after the appointment ends so that any final work can be completed

Email is not permitted to be forwarded to any other email address and all staff email and non-research faculty emails are to remain at the college. You are permitted to take contacts with you if desired.

Notifying contacts that your email address is changing

A great way to tell people that you have a new email address and that you've graduated from Bowdoin is to set up an out of office message. Learn how.

Providing access to your email account for your manager

Faculty and staff may not provide access to a manager post departure. The manager may make a request to Information Technology for access, however the approval to honor the request must come from Human Resources.


Over the course of time at Bowdoin faculty, staff and students create and receive a large amount of data in the forms of documents, projects, videos, music, etc. This data needs to managed in different ways depending on your role.


Staff data is the property of the college and can not be taken. Work with your supervisor on a location to copy your data to if there is a need to keep it for any reason. Any data left on a computer will be erased in order to prepare the computer for someone taking it over. If the position is being eliminated, the computer will be erased no more than 2 weeks after your departure.


Faculty data is split between personal research and institutional so may take some time to sort through. Data that is part of the faculty member's research is the property of the faculty and can be copied to some external service to take with you. Institutional data, such as that developed with and for a department, within faculty committees, etc. are the property of the college and should be made available to a department chair for determination on if it needs to be kept or can be deleted. This data should not leave the college upon your departure.


Any technologies purchased with Bowdoin funds must remain the property of Bowdoin College. This includes computer equipment and accessories, mobile devices/iPads and all accessories, and any other piece of technology. All items must be returned to Information Technology or to a supervisor of IT staff to collect at a later date, upon departure.

Any software licensed by Bowdoin College will not be available to faculty or staff after the last day of their employment. This includes the Microsoft Office Suite of tools including Teams and OneDrive, Zoom, Adobe software, any academic applications, etc. In most cases this software can be purchased by an individual for personal use once they leave the college, if desired. For example, Microsoft offers the Microsoft 365 tool set as a monthly subscription cost for anyone wishing to have access to Word, PowerPoint, etc.