How to Mirror Your macOS Device Screen Using AirPlay

Classroom users without the Solstice user app can connect and share their screen Mac to a Solstice-capable display using AirPlay capabilities on macOS devices (High Sierra and later). AirPlay mirroring is accomplished through a device’s native AirPlay feature, using a process similar to connecting to an Apple TV.

  1. Ensure the macOS device is connected to the WiFi network used to connect to the Solstice display.
  2. From the top menu bar, either select the AirPlay icon or open the Control Panel from the top bar and select Screen Mirroring. Then select the desired Solstice display.
  3. If prompted for an AirPlay code, enter the 4-digit screen key visible on the Solstice display. Your device will connect wirelessly to the display and your screen will be streamed in real-time.
  4. To stop mirroring your screen to the display, select either the AirPlay icon or Control Panel > Screen Mirroring from the menu bar. This will show the active AirPlay connection. Select the name of the Solstice display to disconnect.
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Article ID: 133618
Thu 7/29/21 9:44 AM