Where do I find my Zoom meeting recording that were recorded to the Zoom Cloud if I have a Panopto account?
When recording a Zoom meeting you are given the choice to either 'Record to this Computer', or to 'Record to the Cloud':

If you choose the 'Record to the Cloud' option your meeting recording will be automatically moved from the Zoom Cloud to your Panopto account (if you have one) once it has finished processing in the Zoom Cloud. This process is not immediate and may take some time depending on the length of your recording and the load that the Zoom system is experiencing in general. By default your Zoom recordings will be moved into a folder called 'Meeting Recordings' in your Panopto account. You can either leave them there, or move them to any other folder you have created in Panopto.You can also choose to customize where your Zoom recordings are saved in Panopto (see section 7 in this link -
N.B. If you have added the Zoom option to your Canvas course page, and have scheduled your Zoom meeting using that integration, then your recorded Zoom meetings will be moved to a folder named after your Canvas course.
If you do not have a Panopto account, then your Zoom Cloud recordings will stay in the Zoom Cloud and can be accessed by logging in to and navigating to your recordings area.
For Zoom meetings created through Zoom

- Click on the 'Meeting Recordings' folder

For Zoom meetings created through Canvas

- Click on 'My Folders'
- Click on 'Canvas Courses'
If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk