Printers available for student printing


  • I'm a student, what printers can I print to?
  • Where can I print on campus as a student?


PaperCut provides greater flexibility and more options for printing on campus for students. All students will print to the installed printer named "Find-me-print" however when releasing a document from web release, a printer must be selected.


Below is a list of printers along with their location and PaperCut name, where students can print.

Printer Location Printer Name Printer Type
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Main Floor HL-Main-1 Mono
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Main Floor HL-Main-2 Mono
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Main Floor, Research Commons HL-Research-Commons Mono
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Basement, Media Commons HL-Basement-Color Color, MFD
Coles Tower, Main Floor, Elevator Lobby ColesTower-Lobby Color
Moulton Union, Main Floor, Hallway Moulton-Union-Hallway Mono, MFD
Gibson Music Library, Main Floor Gibson-Music-Library Mono, MFD
Visual Arts Center, 2nd Floor, Art Library VAC-Art-Library Mono, MFD
Visual Arts Center, 3rd Floor, Common Area VAC-3rdFloor Mono, MFD
Hatch Science Building, Science Library, 2nd Floor Hatch-Library-Color Color, MFD
Edward Arts Center, Main Floor, Digital Media Lab EAC-Room115 Mono, MFD
Roux Center, 2nd Floor, Hallway Roux-2ndFloor Mono, MFD
Druckenmiller Hall, 2nd Floor, Atrium Hallway Druck-2ndFloorAtrium Color
Smith Union Smith-Union-1 Mono

MFD - Multi-function Device. These devices are capable of scanning and copying. These features will be coming to MFDs throughout the fall of 2022.

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk

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