Devices, Printing & Scanning

College-owned computers, mobile devices, printers, software , and AI available to faculty, staff, and students

Categories (10)


Information on printing services for faculty, staff, and students


Computer Allocation Process is the process by which computers are replaced and new equipment can be requested for faculty and staff. It is also the process that should be followed when requesting new (or new to them) or additional computers for employees such as casuals, interns, research associates, student employees, etc.

Computer Purchases

A collection of articles with information on purchasing a computer as a student or an employee with recommendations for laptop types.

Digital Excellence Commitment

Information on the Digital Excellence devices and program for students

Hybrid & Remote Working

Information important to working while away from campus.

Laptop & Desktop computers

Information about student, faculty and staff laptop and desktop computers.

Mobile Devices

Articles relating to the iPad as well as other mobile devices including Apple's iPhone can be found in this category.

Smart Devices

Information on Smart Devices including smart speakers, lights, AI assistants (Alexa/Siri/Google Home).

Scanning and Copying

Information about scanning and copying at Bowdoin.

Articles (4)

Pinned Article The Tech Hub

Information about the Computer Allocation Program (CAP) Process

General information about the annual Computer Allocation Process (CAP)

Loaning Center

The IT Loaning Center contains a variety of technology available for academic, professional and sometimes personal use. Read this article for more information.