How to charge a project / account for copies with PaperCut


  • How can I charge my department for the copies I make?


Some departments require staff to select specific project codes or accounts for printing and copying. This is common with shared printers. The process works on any PaperCut-controlled multi-function device (MFD).


To charge a department for copies, ensure you have permission to access the specific account. If not, submit an online request.

Steps to Charge a Department:

  1. Log in to the Printer:
    • Tap your ID or sign in to the PaperCut interface on the MFD.
  2. Access Device Functions:
    • Tap “Device Functions” on the touch screen 
    • Main PaperCut Interface with the Device Functions box highlighted
  3. Select Account:
    • If you have access to project codes, select the account you want to charge.
    • If not, tap “Use personal account.”
    • Screen shot of the account Selection screen in the PaperCut interface.
  4. Make Copies:
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Copy as usual. The job will be charged to the selected departmen  

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Request the addition, removal or restriction of a Bowdoin project code within PaperCut
Request assistance with PaperCut or with general printing services.