Moulton Union, Lancaster Lounge


A photo of Lancaster Lounge taken from the view of the audience to the front of the room with the projection screen down.

Wheelchair icon A drawing representing the presence of a T-Coil

Available Seating Options and Capacities

Icon demonstrating a round table with 8 chairs around it An image showing a rectangular table with 8 chairs around it A series of rectangular tables laid out in a square with an open middle. Chairs around the outside of the square. A representation of tables in rows, with chairs on one side facing the front of the room. Drawing representing 4 tables pushed together with chairs around 2 long sides. A drawing representing tables in a u-shape with chairs on the outside. A drawing representing people standing
64 72 36 32 20 26 135

Available Technologies

  • 1 Handheld Microphone
  • Projection
  • 1 Wireless Lav Microphone
  • HDMI In at the rack
  • 6 XLR In at the rack

A glossary of symbols and a glossary of technology are available.

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Related Articles (3)

Information about the policies and procedures for Event Technology Services. This may also be references as the ETS Handbook.
A glossary of symbols used in the event space pages.
A glossary of technology terms and devices used for and during events.