Searles 216 is a computer lab generally used by Physics faculty and students for both class work and outside assignments.
General Information
Location: Searles Science Building, 2nd Floor.
Hours: By reservation.
Room Type: Computer Lab.
Seating Capacity: 7 student-use Windows computers and 1 instructor macMini.
Reservations: Contact the Campus Scheduler.
Instructor/Podium Station:
Presentation Computer: Mac Mini providing Mac OS and a virtual Windows operating system.
Monitor: 21.5" instructor monitor that doubles as the touch panel room controls.
Podium or table: This room has a custom made movable podium with a pull-out drawer.
- Note: HDMI, USB, and Ethernet Laptop/iPad hook-up available at instructor's station.
Document Camera: Lumen's Digital Document Camera.
Webcam: None.
A/V Technologies:
Projector or Display: Traditional Projector (Laser).
- Ceiling Mounted, native resolution of 1920 x 1200 (1080P).
Projection Screen: Electronically lowered and raised via the audiovisual system.
AV System Controls: Crestron interactive touch panel controls. The screen doubles as the presenter courtesy monitor.
Blu-Ray System: Region Free Blu-ray player that also plays DVD's and CD's.
- Note: Located in the AV rack.
Audio: Room Audio with ceiling recessed speakers.
Room Camera: One wall mounted PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) web camera to capture the instructor.
Vocal Reinforcement:
- Instructor: Yes - Shure Lavaliere microphone/body pack to room audio with rechargeable dock (Resides on top of the instructor podium).
- Audience: Yes - Ceiling microphones dispersed throughout the room.
- NOTE: The PTZ web camera, lavaliere and ceiling microphones are the primary Zoom/MS Teams devices!
Wireless Presentation: Wireless presentation available via Apple TV.
- Supports AirPlay for macOS and iPadOS. Use Ditto for Windows.
A list of software for either operating system can be found here.
Computers in this room are configured to print to the Searles 2nd Floor printer using PaperCut.
Additional Resources and Information
- There are wall-mounted chalk boards along the front of the room
- There are no windows in this room
- Room laid out in such a way to enhance some small group work and encourage collaboration
Training and Support
We highly recommend that you request a training session before using this space for the first time. To request a session, click the button below.
Request Training Session
If you experience any issues in the classroom or lab, either with the AV technology or a computer, please let us know so we can fix it right away!
Report a Classroom or Lab Issue
Classroom Images
A view of the instructor podium.
A view towards the back of the classroom from the instructors perspective.
A view towards the front of the classroom from the students perspective.