Updating Faculty Profiles
- Office of Communications: If you would like the Office of Communications to make profile updates for you, please email Sophaktra Heng with a list of requested edits.
The Office of Communications will periodically review profiles for accessibility and style guide compliance.
Faculty profiles are managed in the Cascade content management system. This article summarizes how to edit and publish faculty profiles.
Edit a Faculty Profile
In the "Faculty and Staff Profiles" site, navigate to your profile folder; folders are sorted alphabetically by Bowdoin username. Each profile folder contains the following:
- Images folder: Store images (headshots, book covers, etc.) in this folder.
- PDF folder: Store any referenced files here.
- Index page: This is your profile page.
To Edit: Click on your profile folder's index page. Click "Edit."
To Save: As you edit your faculty profile, your changes will auto-save; however, to avoid potential loss of work, periodically save your progress. To do so, click on "Preview Draft," followed by "Submit," and "Submit" again.
To Publish: To publish your changes, you will need to click "Publish." For best results, publish your entire profile directory folder, not just your index page.

Summary of Fields
Display Name: Enter your name as you'd like it to appear on the published faculty profile.
Title: Enter your name without any suffix; this field is used to alphabetize profiles on departmental subsites. Display Name and Title are usually the same.
Primary Affiliation: Select the relevant department from the drop-down. You may select only one primary affiliation; this must match what is in Workday.
Secondary Affiliation: Select secondary department(s) from the drop-down. You may select multiple secondary affiliations.
Hide: Use this feature if you need to hide the profile from the associated department faculty/staff pages — for example, if you want to hide the faculty emeriti from the grid view. The profile will default to displaying.
Position: Insert your official title (as recorded with Academic Affairs) here.
Hero Image: The hero image is an optional full-width image (dimensions: 1440x390 pixels) that spans across the top of your faculty profile. You can see an example of one here. To add a hero image, click "Choose File." A dialog box will default to showing you recent files; click the Upload link. In the "Select a placement folder" field, browse to the "images" folder within your profile folder. Drop your hero image in the dotted-line upload area or choose the file directly from your computer. Click "Choose." If you would like the Office of Communications to send you options from our photography database, submit the Photography Request Form.
Alternative Text: If you upload a hero image, you must include alternative text describing the photo.
Caption: If relevant, include a caption for your hero image.
Intro Sentence: Include a brief intro sentence, if desired. This intro will have slightly larger, bolder text styling than the main content. Do not paste your full bio here.
Main Content: Insert your bio, research interests, etc. here. Use the WYSIWYG buttons for formatting, in-line links, etc.
Add Accordions: Accordions allow you to list publications, conferences, presentations, etc. in a collapsible format. If you'd like to add profile accordions, click the "Yes" checkbox. Use the plus sign icons to add additional accordions; the up/down arrows to reorder the accordions; and the red 'x' icon to delete an accordion.
Add Photo Gallery: If you'd like to add a photo gallery, click the "Yes" checkbox.
Profile Sidebar Image File: Upload your headshot here (.jpg or .png). Dimensions should be 250x300. Make sure to place your image file in the "images" folder within your username's folder.
Link List: If you'd like add links to a personal website, department site, etc., you can add those links here in a bullet-pointed list.
Education: This information is added by Communications/Academic Affairs. If it is incorrect, please notify Academic Affairs.
- Some information on the faculty profile populates from other College platforms:
- The Teaching This Semester section of your profile pulls from Banner. If this information is not accurate, please contact the registrar's office.
- Your contact information (phone, email, office location) pulls from Workday. If this information is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact Human Resources.
- Old versions of files will remain online unless you delete them. If you are creating a new version of a file — for example, your latest CV — replace the CV file rather than uploading a new one, and be sure to delete any files you no longer want online. If you need help with this, email Sophaktra Heng.
- Faculty profiles are one-page summaries, not full websites, and cannot accommodate multiple pages.