Request Permissions to a Research Folder


Each faculty member has an opportunity to request the creation of research space on one of our network storage devices. This space is just one of a number of choices available when it comes to collaboration and data storage. A reserach "drive" is more geared towards large amounts of reserach data storage rather than direct collaboration.

Once a research folder exists, use this form to request access for additional people into the research folder. Click the "Request Service" button on the right to access the form.


You can request read-only or read-write access to a folder or folders that exist on Bowdoin's network.

Available to

The request is available to all faculty, staff and students however it will not be fulfilled until the owner of the research space authorizes the access.

Service Promise

Once access to data has been authorized by the reserach folder owner, we will complete the request within 3 business days.

Request Service

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