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Services or Offerings?
How to setup your Bowdoin calendar on your mobile device.

Request a Faculty or Staff emeriti account.

Submit service requests for the main Bowdoin website.

Bowdoin College provides a state of the art wireless network available from in every building and in most outdoor spaces. Access is available for every current faculty, staff and student by authenticating with your Bowdoin username and password on any device. If you are experiencing an issue connecting to wireless or are having other wireless issues, let us know.

Request services related to Campus Groups, including creating groups, providing permissions, etc.

Can't find what you're looking for? Click use this service to create a ticket.

Canvas is a web-based tool which students and faculty use to share educational resources with each other. Use the form on this page to request a new feature or to report a software bug.

Requests for Canvas

Use this service to request iPad apps for class, install applications on classroom computers, report a classroom issue and more.

Training is required for CMS access. Learn more about signing up.

Request to make an exception in Bowdoin's Border network firewall