BOWDOIN Wireless Network

Tags wireless


Bowdoin College provides a state of the art wireless network available from in every building and in most outdoor spaces. Access is available for every current faculty, staff and student by authenticating with your Bowdoin username and password on any device. The network is secured using the WPA2-Enterprise security protocol ensuring the encryption of data being sent and received from any device that can use the protocol.

If you experience issues accessing the BOWDOIN wireless network, request help by clicking the link on the right. Be sure to be as detailed as you can to help us work with you to quickly determine the issue and get you back on the wireless network.

Available Options

The BOWDOIN SSID is a visible network that can be seen from any MacOS, Windows computer and most smartphones and mobile devices that can access WPA2-Enterprise networks.

Available To

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

Support Promise

We work hard to provide you with a robust wireless network. If you experience issues or unable to connect, request help by clicking on the button on the right and let us know. We will work with you to try to resolve the issue. The time it takes will depend on the severity and complexity of the issue.

Request Wireless Help

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