Propose a new IT project

The project proposal process

The Project Management Office (PMO) is available to help with projects and new software requests. 

We’ll consult and help make sure all the relevant parts of your request for support and funding are covered.  This includes building the needs case, determining total costs and funding sources, authentication needs, integrations with other systems, and more. 

It is best to reach out at the very beginning of your search. Start by proposing the project. A representative from the PMO will contact you to gather more information. Here are some of the steps we’ll work through together:

  • Needs analysis – what problems are you trying to solve?
  • Environmental scan – what solutions exist, what do other colleges use, does Bowdoin own software that can do this?
  • Review options – beyond just functionality, we’ll look at accessibility, security, and more
  • Find funding sources and secure funding
  • Contract review and negotiation
  • Project planning – timelines, resources needed
  • Implementation

We look forward to working with you!

Propose Project

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