Teams Calling will combines current phone numbers with Microsoft 365 accounts and allow faculty and staff to receive and make calls from any Teams-enabled device or app. This includes the Teams app for computers and mobile devices. You can also request a more traditional phone if you feel you need one.
We are accepting requests for a physical phone for when they become available. The request form asks some of the following questions:
- Do you ever need to answer anyone else's phone number on your phone, including a central number?
- Do you have someone else answer your phone number from another phone?
- Do you share a phone with anyone else?
Please note: A this time, physical phones are arriving from our vendors sporadically. They will be distributed in the order the requests are received as soon as phones become available.
There is no cost for this service.
Service Promise:
Migrations will take place on Tuesday or Thursday mornings and you will be notified in advance of your phone's migration.