StatusHub Subscription Email

Tags statushub


  • I received an email about a subscription to StatusHub, what is it?
  • Is this StatusHub email legitimate?


StatusHub is a service that Information Technology uses to inform our clients when there is a major system outage, upcoming maintenance for a system or service and timely notifications about upcoming software patch cycles, and more. Clients can self-subscribe / unsubscribe as they wish. All Bowdoin accounts are subscribed by default one time and then clients can opt-out as they wish.

Upon subscription, an email is automatically generated and sent to the client letting them know of their subscription.


An email is automatically sent to the subscription email address confirming that you have been subscribed to StatusHub alerts. 

The email will be sent from

The email will contain the body as shown below

A screenshot of the StatusHub subscription email sent to clients when they are subscribed to the StatusHub Service. It says "Bowdoin" at the top, followed by "Subscription conformation"

If you need further assistance, please contact the Bowdoin College Service Desk


Article ID: 134906
Fri 10/15/21 10:41 AM
Mon 10/18/21 3:19 PM

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