Download Text Transcripts in Panopto

It is now possible to download a text transcript of a video with captions without timestamps.


This feature offers several benefits, including

  • An easy way to obtain a text transcript from a video, podcast, recorded interview, or lecture capture.
  • The transcript can be posted to Canvas as an alternate method for studying course content, in addition to watching the video.
  • Students can download and add to their existing note-taking process or translate it into a different language.
  • Additionally, this feature offers an easy way to search and review video content.

Download A Transcript

You can download a transcript file from any of the following three places:

Interested in using Panopto Video? Contact Paul Benham in Academic Technology and Consulting, IT.

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Article ID: 161524
Wed 4/17/24 2:55 PM
Wed 4/17/24 2:56 PM

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