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    Live captioning (called live transcription) in Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students.  Live transcriptions show text to speech on the lower part of the Zoom window or in a full transcript window. Live transcripts are machine-generated and while they are not as accurate as a person, they can be helpful for participants in a loud or public space, do not have access to headphones or speakers, are English language learners, or benefit from hearing and reading content simultaneously.
    It is now possible to download a text transcript of a video in Panopto with captions without timestamps.
    Adding captions to videos used in your class is helpful for all students. It helps those who learn better through reading, those needing to watch videos in noisy environments, or in spaces where sound needs to be turned off.
    Do you want to make your presentations better understood for everyone in the room?  People may have difficulty hearing from the back row or with other noise in the room or be a native speaker in another language. Live Subtitles are available in PowerPoint and can provide captions for your presentation or on a blank slide on the screen to show captions.