Self Service for macOS


Self Service is an application that will allow you to install approved software on your computer without the need for Service Desk assistance.



  • What is the Jamf Self Service app?
  • Where is the Self Service app?


Available on all Bowdoin-issued Apple Computers.


The Self Service app provides Bowdoin licensed applications, network printers for faculty and staff without the need for administrator access. It will eventually replace Managed Software Center.

How to use Self Service App to install Software

To open the Self Service App, click on Finder, then select Applications, then Open Self Service. 
Here you will see available licensed software, operating system upgrades and network printers you can install. On the left side there are categories as well as a search feature. 

To install applications, click the Install button under the application icon.

For most software, clicking the Install button will immediately begin installing the software. The Install button will change to Installing and a progress indicator will appear to indicate that the process is working.

When the software has completed installation, the button will change to say “Reinstall” and the program will be listed in your Applications folder.

There is a Log In button in the bottom right corner of the Self Service window. The log in functionality is primarily used for additional tools for Bowdoin technical support staff.

If you receive a message when opening Self Service that you must approve your organizations MDM Profile please see the related article to the right How to Accept Enrollment of your Bowdoin Mac into MDM.




Article ID: 128528
Tue 2/23/21 11:44 AM
Mon 12/23/24 11:15 AM
Article applies to:
Describes which environment(s) this article pertains to such as Lab and Classroom workstations, Bowdoin-issued individual workstations, staff accounts, faculty accounts, etc.
Classroom instructor computers
Managed lab computers
Bowdoin-assigned individual workstations
Platform Environment (OS)
10.13 or newer

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